Snacking is too much fun.
It’s like avoiding the big leap of commitment to any one meal and having the freedom to try them all!
The downside to snacking? We are bombarded with many unhealthy options at our disposal.
Grocery stores are full of these unhealthy choices and I know I’ve picked up many of these snacks while shopping hungry, usually to regret my decision as I felt sick after eating too many cookies or chips on the drive home.
Thankfully, there are many healthy snack options also! Here are some ideas listed below!
Healthy snacks (for adults & kids):
- Olives, look for the ones without dye coloring
- Crackers –Simple Mills & Mary’s Gone Crackers are a healthy choice with a clean ingredient list
- Grass-fed cheese
- Plain yogurt with added fruit or honey
- Lara Bars, Macro Bars
- Nuts & seeds
- Dried fruit-look for the ones that don’t have sulfur dioxide (a preservative) in the ingredient list
- Dark chocolate
- Grass fed jerky, avoid MSG or yeast extract, Epic Bars, Mission Meats
- Popcorn, non GMO
- Chips, canola & yeast extract free
- Apples with nut butter
- Carrots/veggies with hummus
- Hard boiled eggs with salt
- Homemade baked goods, like muffins or breads
- Date balls
Where can you find?