Generally, kids detox very well, but sometimes, we can give their bodies a little encouragement when we feel one is needed! When is this needed? Well, I like to believe that our mama-sense just knows. Other common times might be after a trip, if you find their immune systems not as strong, or if there was an exposure to a toxin, of course… that one may require a deeper detox protocol. Here are 5 kids gentle detox ideas!

Photo by Lana Ivanka Photography.
Lots of Movement & Activity
This is a common sense one, but sometimes, the reminder is helpful. Especially during winter months or in a busy season, it’s easy to forget this simple task that goes a long way! The increased circulation, breathing, and sweating helps to get everything moving and excreted. Extra points if it’s outside in fresh air and in the middle of the day when the sun’s vitamin D3 is optimal. While too much sun exposure is definitely a concern, aim for a few minutes or the longest time your skin can manage the brightest rays for optimal D3 exposure.
Extra Idea: Trampoline! If you have a trampoline, the bouncing is incredible for the lymphatic system which helps detox!

Filtered Water
Yes, our water is cleaner than many countries, but it is also exposed to many chemicals. It might be worth it to check your water quality or install a reverse osmosis. We love our RO system, the only downside to an RO is many of the minerals are taken out with the bad. You can replace these minerals with mineral drops in your water. Check out our favorite mineral drops here. Unfortunately, fridge water is still contaminated with fluoride, making an RO system a better choice for clean water.
Detox Bath
Bath time is an easy way to add a few detoxing benefits. A warm bath itself improves blood and lymphatic circulation, but to up the benefits-try adding epsom salt or magnesium flakes. The naturally occurring minerals help flush the body of toxins and the magnesium helps calm and soothe the nerves and brain, making it ideal before bedtime.
Extra Idea: Check out this kids detoxing activated charcoal bath post!
Healthy Gut
A healthy gut=a healthy immune system and body that can tackle more! The stronger your gut, the better able the body is at naturally detoxing. Easy ways to help heal the gut lining and balance the microbiome include avoiding processed foods and sugar, while incorporating foods that heal the lining, recipes and ideas are listed below. Also, take a look around at the recipes on this site. I’ve personally struggled with many gut imbalances and most of the recipes here are geared toward healing the gut!
Gut Healing Ideas=soups with bone broth as the base, you can make your own or buy a quality one at the grocery store! Try making superfood smoothies with added collagen or colostrum which heal the gut lining. Drink kefir, plain yogurt or kombucha for a more balanced microbiome (or take a daily probiotic).
Sometimes, supplements, herbs, or even charcoal gummies are necessary to help. A kids multi is a great way to cover the bases with an array of nutrients for kids. A deficiency in nutrients causes the body to slow down detoxing efforts, while a steady supply of nutrients helps give the necessary tools the body needs to naturally detox.
Multi supplement ideas for kids: Try adding liver supplements in kids smoothies for a serious dose of nutrients and immune building capabilities! Open your favorite liver capsule and pour in the smoothie before mixing to cover the taste. Two other great kids multi vitamins are Hiya Health & Amare Kids.
If you are looking for a bit of a stronger detox check out Bio Ray Happy, I pick this supplement up at our local Sprouts store. This is a great option if you are wanting to do a gentle yet effective detox on parasites, mold and an array of unwanted organisms.
Sometimes, charcoal gummies are needed with a good detox, especially if you are using a stronger detox route. Charcoal gummies are also great to have on hand if fighting a stomach bug with nausea or have food poisoning! This charcoal gummy also tastes great!
Extras Ideas:
Red Light & Low Temp Saunas
If you have access to an infrared red light sauna, this is a gentle way to detox kids without exposing them to the high heat of a steam room or dry sauna. Check out the Joov Red Light Panels.
Sometimes, our bodies, and our kids, need that extra boost. Hopefully, you found some ideas here to help you along your health journey for you and your kids! What are your favorite ways to detox your kid? Please share in the comments below!
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